Based on the invitation sent by the Managing Director of the Iraqi Company, Mr. Muhammad Al-Handal, to the shareholders to attend the General Assembly meeting, the Authority met with all its members from the joint-stock banks at exactly ten o’clock in the morning on (Thursday), corresponding to 5/9/2024, at the company’s headquarters and in the presence of the company’s staff. With the chartered accountant, in this meeting:
- Approving the final accounts for the year ending 12/31/23 and approving the renewal of the contract of Mr. (Hisham Abdul Jabbar Abdullah) from Abdul Hussein Al Yasiri and Partners Company as auditor of the company’s financial accounts.
- Discussing the company’s policies regarding direct lending and presenting a set of tables and data that illustrate the results achieved during the previous and current periods.
- Discussing a group of strategic matters related to the future of the company and what it requires to prepare.